Originally Posted by Dragonlich
Roachboy, one of the principles that Israel was founded on is: "Never again". Never again will they be herded into extermination camps without a fight.
Thus, when Israel's neighbors keep repeating their wish to "drive Israel into the sea", Israel has no other option than fight them.
Idealism is great, but in this case, reality gets in the way. Without moderation in the Arab world, Israel will never feel secure. If Israel doesn't feel secure, they're not going to stop their current policies, and you can hardly blame them. I feel very sorry that the Palestinians are cought in the middle, but *they* aren't exactly helping the situation with their Intifada.
1922 census was taken in the month of October. It showed a total population of 757,182, of whom 78% were Moslems, 11% were Jews and 9•6% Christians (of which contain some Arab). There were agreed caps put on immigration for the influx of European Jews going into Palestine. Initially there was land legally sold to the new IMMIGRANTS, by the INDIGENOUS populants. When the Zionists took charge the caps were exceeded, and their philosophy gave them the right to seize land they saw as theirs (even though it just happen to belong to someone else).
Look at the progression; it doesnt take much research to clearly watch who is throwing who into the ocean. Its difficult for me to understand how this is intrepeted anything other than it is.