damn, you funny too!
non compliance? the WMD inspectors were completely ignored by the bush crew. when nothing came up we got the historic powell moving vans of death presentation and absolute media fantasy blitz. face it, there were not, are not, and hopefully will never be any WMDs in iraq. they posed less of a threat to the US than canada. they had no ties to 9 11 and basically, if left alone for a coupla more years, would have probably imploded without our foot in their ass.
yeah we brought down that evil villians regime. saved the iraquis from the dangers of safe drinking water and electricity. and it only sets us back a few million a day.
meanwhile the other bad guys take advantage of the unsupervised recess to work on some new toys.
bush shoulda said: the rest of the world doesn´t swallow our trumped up, obviously falsified assesment but we resolve to do it anyway.
clinton shoulda admitted the blowjob as well.
mentiras. eres una mentiroso. - freddy fender