In my opinion, Arnold is more American and has more respect and admiration for this country than most native born Americans do. He's contributed to plenty of charity and national causes during his citizenship here, and if he or any other longstanding and upstanding citizen of the U.S. feel that they could contribute by running for the Presidency, by all means, I feel they should be allowed.
Case in point - my grandmother, mother, and uncle were all born in Japan. My grandmother met my grandfather in Japan and married him while he was serving our country in Okinawa in the Air Force during the 60's. They lived in the U.S. for all but two years of their lives and have been U.S. citizens by virtue of the fact that they were born on a U.S. military base and were fathered by a member of the U.S. military, but they would not be able to run for presidency if they were so inclined or able. I think that's kinda silly, personally... I mean, if someone's lived here for so long that they have become interested and willing to take on politics, why shouldn't we let them?
"The power of accurate observation is frequently called cynicism by those who don't have it." - George Bernard Shaw