The United Nations is a disgrace. One day soon, it'll all come home to roost on thier doorstep, and they'll be looking around wondering what they did wrong.
"I am one of those who believe that there should have been a second resolution from the UN Security Council to green-light the US-led invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein's regime," Annan said.
A second resolution....
A second resolution.
This man has the integrity of a cbs news anchor. A sellout. A hypocrite. An impotent, feeble little bureaucratic eunuch who stands to lose billions for himself, his crooked cronies, and his organization because he didn't have the spine to take a stand. Absolutely reprehensible. What gall to say such nonsense after Hussein broke 18 different UN Security Council Resolutions.
18!! One can only shake their head and laugh.