another report, this from teh guardian, on the same story...,00.html
huh...maybe points of view like mojo's are one reason the right attacked the un as soon as the bushcase for quick and unnecessary war failed to persuade anyone.
if you cant face the reality, it is always possible to create a diversion.
the problem then, as teh right reprocessed it in advance, is not that bush had no case for going to war--which is obvious by now to anyone who looks--but the un itself---because members of the unsc were not persuaded by the noncase the adminstration presented.
seems to work, that strategy, insofar as it prevents undue cognitive dissonance for conservatives who otherwise would have to face the fact that their boy bush sent the country to war on false pretenses.
but by now, batting away unpleasant facts about iraq in order to avoid cognitive dissonance must be nearly a fulltime job for those who support the war. i dont know how they find the time to do it.