Originally Posted by The_Dunedan
I will marry whom I wish, as many of them as I wish, as often as I wish, and will have as many children as I wish. Provided that all parties to such a marriage are consenting adult Humans, it is nobody's buisness but mine and my spouses. Any attempt to forcibly divorce us or divest us of our Parental Rights will be seen as a direct, physical assault upon my family and will be dealt with as such.
What if the people determine that you are ruling your children or wife immorally? Is spanking immoral? Is grounding? Morality is completely subjective, and with the exception of some near-universals there is no completely consistent morality in any large society. I think theivery is wrong, but not under all circumstances. I feel the same about the taking of life, or fraud. There are even groups of people who have no problem with rape.
Under any system it is the people who gunk up the works. It all looks good on paper but in the end the greedy folks will compare notes with the shifty folks and everyone else will get bent over.