Originally Posted by adysav
Most western people would agree that it is immoral to kill another human - or another animal for that matter - for your own ends, excluding food. Practices like sacrifice of animals and people, honour killings, tsujigiri and the like have existed in most cultures, particularly asia, africa and south america. So when you say 'a person or group does something doesn't make it right', you really mean the entire human race give or take a few.
The entire world agrees that it is immoral to kill another human being. I think there is one anthropological study that found a tiny group of people who were enmeshed in individualism so deeply that killing wasn't an issue. But I don't remember the name of the people and haven't given it much thought since reading the excerpt in one of my intro books years ago.
What various peoples will disagree on is what behavior constitutes "murder." We do it here, too. That's why self-defence and capital punishment are not socially defined as murder by our social standards (although even some citizens see them as such and push for the larger to understand such behaviors in the same vein).