Originally Posted by MrSelfDestruct
Just because a person or group does something doesn't make it right. Harming another person against their will in any situation other than self-defense is wrong.
Similarly, slavery was acceptable in American culture for hundreds of years. Simply because it was acceptable does not mean that it was the right thing to do at the time.
This week in Iran, a 16-year-old girl was hanged because she was caught having sex with an unmarried man. Simply because this is accepted in their culture does not make it right.
Well... yes it does. Even the writers of Star Trek have figured that out

Slavery has existed up until recently in most cultures since the dawn of civilisation. Enslavement of Africans by arabs has been going on for thousands of years, and as far as I know it still does.
Most western people would agree that it is immoral to kill another human - or another animal for that matter - for your own ends, excluding food. Practices like sacrifice of animals and people, honour killings, tsujigiri and the like have existed in most cultures, particularly asia, africa and south america. So when you say 'a person or group does something doesn't make it right', you really mean the entire human race give or take a few.
If it was moral then why isn't it moral now? Because morality is decided by the person considering the act and the time and culture they live in, not predetermined.
Basically you mean what you believe is right is better than what they believe is right, because you say so.