Originally Posted by gar1976
Well, after suffering for years of 20/600 vision, went and got LASIK today. Man, it rocks already, and it's only been a couple hours. Just psyched about it - whole procedure, start to finish, took about 2 hours, with only 10 minutes of actual "zapping." Most of it was sitting aroud and getting my eyes checked out.
If you can afford it, definately take a look into it. I know my life will be changing for the better!
Went to this place, which has locations up and down the west coast.
I was 20/400 (legally blind) and had it done 7 years ago or so in Canada, before it was legal in the US. No pain during the procedure; it freaked out my gf watching it on a videoscreen, though. When they slice the cornea open, it just gets blurry, but it doesn't hurt. Nothing short of miraculous. In pain for 2 days after or so, then fine. Congrats, now go throw away your contacts & glasses.