Well, guess what? So what?! By it's very nature the state healthcare system is aimed at those less well off. It is a COMPLIMENTARY service to private health care. It is not meant to replace private health care, and no one implies it is. If you can pay for treatment to get it quicker, then good for you. You're lucky. Stop complaining about and threatening to remove a service that allows many others to get the same treatment without paying for it or because they can't afford it. They may have to wait in a line, but so what? Either improve the service, reduce the waiting lists or (in some cases) subsidize their direct referral to private practitioners. Do not abandon the whole system because it can't satisfy every single person at a moment's notice.
This is why Canada is constantly fighting over the two-tier system. It would solve many problems that the Liberal Party has created, but not all of them, if Paul Martin continues Chretien's policy of baiting the provinces for money. It was not always like this and Canada's population prefer the "moral" aspects of equality in the health care system. Evolution towards a private healthcare system is not neccessary or even logical.