Point taken, and I apologize for my defensive and snappish demeanor.
The taxe to which I object are the Coercive variety: Income, Capital-Gains, etc etc. Voluntary taxes, such as sales-taxes and import duties, are entirely Moral and I have no objection to paying them. Prior to the introduction of the Income Tax, the Federal Gov't was effectively limited to it's Constitutional functions by lack of funds: it couldn't -afford- to do anything other than perform it's Constitutional functions, simply put. It got by just fine.
Strange Famous: I don't know if you noticed, but I -did- in fact allow for Government to intervene and punish ( end endeavor to prevent through deterrance ) Crime. What I object to is the existance of "offenses" which have no human victim. And in such cases as you cite: yes, those people were Immoral. Just because someone's in the Bible doesn't make them a Saint.
Notice that I also said nothing about being a hermit. "Being -left- alone" and "being alone" are not synonymous.