Originally Posted by Pigtails
Okay, Okay you guys and about jumping her bones! Halx you're a hoot. but seriously coming from another chick.
Since you are friends with all these people, you will have to consider the pros and cons of your friendship with the other two guys and of dating her. Because you probably in all likelyhood lose both those guys as friends if you actually offically date her. They will be uncomfortable around you and the guy she currently broke up with still seems pretty infatuated with her, so he will definately not see you in a positive light.
For your own personal and safety and well being you want to consider the fact the she was talking to you about her bf problems when she was actually dating that other guy. Who will she talk to if you both have problems dating? Does this type of situation happen alot to her? Is this the first time? Does she just need an excuse to offically break up with the boyfriend? What makes her think the both of you together will be different?
I say this not to question you or her but to make sure that you don't get hurt, I believe in questioning people's motives even if they want to date and especially in your odd circumstances. The question to ask yourself when getting into relationships is "Is It Worth the Risk?" I hope this helps some. Keep us posted!
pigtails you are amazing! you are the only perwson (besides me) who has looked at it from that stand point that you mentioned..
what makes me think that its worth the risk? nothing.. i just fee flow my life..
and she is still dating the kid i guess :-\ they are going to home comming which is in october so they are together till at least till then.
i got serious with her the other day and asked her why she wont just dump the other kid, and she said that she was affraid that she would hurt him... also the kid has a lower source of income.. also she dosn't want to put the kid out of a job because if they broke up then they would still be working together and he "would shurly quit"..
so in anycase i see this as a big problem and that she wont dump him.. she told me also that she has never dumped either of her boyfriends because the firstone wasn't a real boy friend and well these two are still together...
i dont think that she realizes that i like her.. maybe she knows but just dosn't approach the situation at all.. and i think that people are the same no matter who they are with.. people will pick up tendencies such as music, certain words, etc,. but i dont know what would make things different between her current boyfriend and i.
thats all for now.. i will see how things go!
thanks for the support everyone!