Originally Posted by pan6467
(because the quietest group or person would probably be the one who setup the whole thing.
You could be right. I doubt it, but it certainly is possible.
I still think that The Nile isn't just a river in Egypt
Those thoughts about Viacom and an internal set up at CBS to oust Rather are interesting as well. Why people keep calling it faux is beyond me. They are legit. Like or not, they are fucking legit, and they are crushing CBS. They're crushing everyone and everyone is crushing CBS. The internet included. CBS needs a lot of work in the news gathering and disciminating department if that's going to be a money maker. What better way to become competive then to clean house.
Everyone's right...Kerry was in the shit in Vietnam...more then most men, yet unfortunately for him, not as much as some, Bush wasn't doing squat. His ole man pulled some string's and had the man teach him to fly Jets. Which he did marginally. Has anyone really ever disputed that? Who has played those 'formative' years more effectively, I ask? The nonsense about the Nigeria Docs is washed up. They were phony....and we discovered that they were phony and told everyone. How can that possibly be an issue. We've been fucking up for a long time. Finally some people (cough Powell cough) are stepping up and playing things wisely.
Bush needs to mop up. He did things that need eight years to complete. It looks more and more likely that he's going to get the chance.
I really hope the Democrats or someone else can challenge the Republicans then. That's not true. I hope actually that things are allowed to sunset, and that we start to legislated efficiently again (like back in the early 1800
). I don't see that happening with either of the parties, at least with two parties 'at odds' the potential for grid lock exists (Radley).
Hopefully we'll see some democracies flourish in the Middle East, Jews and Arabs living side by side in peace, and a viable alternative to the fossil fuel reliance we currently exist with as a population. Plus it would be nice to see more and more North American's enjoying the privledge of being the greatest continent on the planet. I see this as being more and more likely.
One huge obstacle, imho, is Nuclear capablilty. I think you can generate two types of Nuclear Energy. One is heavy water which uses a naturally occuring isotope of water, and doesn't create the material to make weapons. The other is more efficient, safer, doesn't require a huge body of water, and makes the material needed in Nuclear Weapons. I'm not a scientist but I believe there is some merit to this. In order to effectively loose reliance on Fossil Fuels, populations need to become Nuclear Capable. It is in the currently nuclear capable countries best interest (the PermMembs of the UN Security were the first) to prevent or 'guide' Nuclear Enablement. This is why that possibility creates so much tension. We've really got to be careful with Iran and North Korea. US and Russia need to come together and take fucking care of business. Only they really can. And I think they can only together.
Or maybe not,