Originally Posted by Troublebot
Watching Colin and Christie implode last night was wonderful. I know I'm going to hell for enjoying it so much, but I'll happily burn for all eternity. When Colin yelled, "My ox is broken!" I almost wet my pants.
However, all my fun ended when Phil told them it was a non-elimination round. WTF? These two deserve to be gone for all the nasty things they've said to the locals, the other contestants and each other. My only hope is that, with so much pressure on them, they continue their implosion next week on the two-hour finale.
Amen, brother. As the show started and they got on the first plane, I hated myself for changing my opinion on them. They have been consistently the most competitive team. I did get some pleasure over the yield and watching him start to boil. But when she went nuts and he actually had to calm her down, I lost any desire to see them advance.
Oh, and the ox thing was hilarious. Of course the producers should have made sure all of the oxes actually "worked".