What to do?
I am so lost, and don't know what I should do. My gf and I got together about 3 and a half months ago. We spent everyday of the summer together (about 2 months) until I moved off to college. I stayed in-state, and am about a 3 hour drive from her. We really have feelings for each other so we decided to stay together and try to make it work out while I am in college. We talk on the phone everyday, for about 4-5 hours. She has told me she doesn't want to hang out with anyone, and she just wants to do her college hw and work. I on the other hand want to make the best of my time here, and go out and have some fun.
So here's the problem. I feel like I am living my life on the phone, and don't want to. I brought it up to her on Sat night and told her why I feel this way in a very calm manner (we have never fought or even raised our voices to each other) and we discussed it. But she thought I meant I have more important things to do than to talk to her, which is not the case. Ever since I brought this up on Saturday, we have fought every night. I enjoy talking to her, but also want to go out and have some fun while I am here. It's almost like she doesn't want me to have any fun here because she doesn't want to have fun at home, so she would rather me talk to her on the phone.
I try to talk to her about this, and we are able to discuss it, but then towards the end of the conversation we begin to fight. And neither of us like to fight (but who does?). I really don't want to lose her, but at the same time I don't want to sit in my dorm on the phone all the time, so I am looking to you guys for help.
BTW- we are one month apart age wise and we both started college this semester. I am at a university and she's at a communtiy college, so the "college lives" are different as well.
Thanks for the advice