Originally Posted by Pellaz
This has gotten to be such a pet peave of mine. Movies that seem in each and every way that they should be rated R, but are toned down just enough to get a PG-13 rating.
Is the 13-16 year old crowd THAT much a marketing force to make this happen? The relaxation on what is allowed in a PG-13 movie should mean that it shouldn't be a matter of parents taking their 10 year-olds causing the need, I'd think.
This was mainly pushed over the edge with me when the upcoming Aliens vs Predator turned out to garner a PG-13 rating.
I don't think an R rating in and of itself makes a movie any better. I don't think that saying fuck more than once, showing nudity often, or being very bloody makes a movie any better. I DO think that many sacrifices get made to a movies tone, story, and content that are detrimental to it in the quest for a PG-13 rating. Anyone else fed up with this?
Have to agree totally. In fact, I just mentioned this very topic to my friend after seeing AVP. We both agreed, would've been much better more gore etc. to compare with original movies of both Alien and Predator.