The morning-after pill is just a larger dose of the hormones found in regular birth control pills. If you're in a situation like that, where you can't get your Rx filled, just find one of the many millions of women who take birth control pills and bum four or five off of them. Then get a damn prescription yourself and take your stupid pill every day so you won't be in this situation ever again!
Originally Posted by maleficent
I don't think that this drug should be available over the counter, if nothing else, it's promoting sexual irresponsibility, god knows what diseases people could end up with.
I don't really agree with that. People will be sexually irresponsible no matter what. The EC pill at least prevents some women from having babies they can't take care of. And if people want to be irresponsible and get diseases because they're too stupid to test themselves and their partner before they jump in the sack, then they deserve an icky STD! Hopefully they'll learn their lesson.