I have a few more opinions:
1. Yes, it is Black and White. Your are either a cheater, or you are the one who was cheated on.
2. I don't think anyone who cheats should drown, kill, mame, or feel any worse than they should already feel for cheating. Own up to it.
3. What happens to other peoples relationships is none of my business so do not put a heavy judgement on those that cross the line.
4. When I am the one who faces a cheater, I do not stick around to make amends or try to forgive and forget. There seems to be an underlying issues in a relationship in the first place so I do not feel the need to try and resolve it when it can happen again. Sure, someone can change, but they can change without me.
This is truly a topic that can spark emotions because there are so many of us that have cheated (not me), and so many of us that have been cheated on. I can't seem to conjur up any empathy for those asking for forgiveness. I apply this to me personally, not anyone in this thread that has responded. Again, what you have done in the past is none of my business.
-Homer Simpson