Originally Posted by pan6467
As for whether the quote is real or fake? I think it's possible that it's true or that at the very least the wordage maybe different but the attitude there. Straw could have conveyed the conversation to others, and as mentioned above it got out, (people talk).
Or Straw could have conveyed it to the author and now denies it because he doesn't want Powell in trouble or their friendship hurt.
What truly is sad though is that it is not unbelievable. That says something about the respect that even his own people have for him and what the masses think.
Of course it's possible that it's true but I have little doubt that the verbage, context, and person/people it's directed at have been manipulated to serve the purposes of the author. Can I picture Powell saying something like this about "neo cons" in a certain context? Absolutely. Does anyone really believe he would be talking about Rumsfeld, Cheney, Bush, et al in this manner? If so then you seriously underestimate his statesmanship.
In truth, I'm not sure who your last sentence is alluding to.