A better understanding of politics
I've never been a very politically minded person, probably because neither of my parents ever held the issue in high reguard, but this year's election has really sparked some new found interest in me. I've been motivated to read more about each candidates views and positions they stand within our government. I've started conversations with peers over politics and try to see their side of issues and reasonings. However, one thing I don't really understand is the need for two seperate parties. There are so many issues that I can't firmly say I'm for or against. There are too many issues that I honestly don't know which stance is the better of the two. If I were to classify myself as Republican or Democrat, it would be on the basis of picking the "lesser of two evils." I'd go with the party that had the closest views to my own, but neither comes close to agreeing with me in full.
Is this how most people classify themsevles? What about the people at the RNC/DNC that are cheering, waving, displaying signs, and going nuts over their incumbant? Are they 100% in agreeance on every issue presented? If so, I just don't see how someone could be so much in favor for one side compared to the other.
Let's take abortion for instance. I can't honestly say I'm pro-life or pro-choice. I think every situation could be handled differently. I think there are several factors when it comes to making the choice to be all for one or the other. Same applies to gun control. I don't see a clear answer. I agree and disagree with points from both parties. The list goes on and on.
I can see the fundamental reasoning behind dual parties, and why we discuss politics on a whole, but is there really a right answer? Is electing one incumbant over another really going to solve all our problems? Won't the nation essentailly be divided down the middle forever, with the few like myself who are "on the fence" so to speak?
I'm interested in what you all have to think about policitcs and their place in our society. Will it ever provide a clear, concise solution to all our nations problems? In essence, won't our country's views and policies change with every new president placed in office? What stands out as the primary benefit behind our nation's policital environment?