Originally Posted by pan6467
Hasn't Powell already said he wouldn't serve another term? I could have sworn I have seen that in the press numerous times last year and the beginning of this year.
There have been reports that he said that and there are plenty of anecdotal accounts that say he's been saying he would serve one term since he took on the position.
He has not come out publicly and told anyone he's going to leave. In fact there may be more reason for him to stay than ever.
Should Bush be re-elected diplomacy will likely be a larger factor in the second term. Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, et al are in need of more
international support/pressure than before.
Acting semi-unilaterally in the face of 9/11 was, IMO, warranted but now the focus needs to be on international cohesion in the fight against Al Qaeda and other sources of terror in the world.