Originally Posted by Mr Mephisto
A rather depressing recurring theme is how many people lose practically everything, due to the fact that they do not have any insurance.
Is this common? I assume insurance is more expensive in hurricane areas but is it really so expensive so as to warrant people not availing of it? What kind of state aid is possible for these people? Or is it just plain "stupidity" that some just don't take our insurance (though I hate to use that term)?
Mr Mephisto
I know it is more expensive but it's not all about the expense. Aunt C who lives 8 mi from the east coast of Florida got hit by the last hurricane. Her mobile home was ripped open like a sardine can and filled with water. Everything is water damaged and warped. She had the maximum insurance available but apparently there's a law in Florida that limits the amount of insurance she can purchase. She'll only get something in the $20's for the home even though it and most of her belongings are a total loss.
She had taken a few items with her where she holed up during the last storm so at least those are not lost but that's all she has now. She and Granny took off and drove up to Indy when they heard about Ivan on it's way. Thankfully they may not get hit by it except by rain. Sad situation. This Aunt C will be receiving as much help as possible from the family. She had a stroke 2 years ago which has left her with siezures a couple times a week. Her hubby died last year, and now she has no home. I've already mentioned to the family that we can all contribute as much as we can in a month or so once she's been able to take stock of her situation. She is currently living with one of her brothers so has a place to stay for now.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.