Originally Posted by seretogis
Bush isn't my candidate, but thanks for contributing nothing to the thread.
Why does Bush have to take responsibility for or denounce any third-party group's advertisement and yet the Kerry campaign can (allegedly) pass along forged documents to CBS and have them build a story around it? Why isn't Kerry denouncing CBS and the DNC's attack on decades-old campaign literature? Is there some sort of justification for this double-standard?
So you're not pro-bush, just anti kerry? In some ways those are the same things. I think they're both tools, but it has been a long time since i went out of my way to attack one for doing something that the other is also guilty of, namely lacking integrity.
What double standard? Are you honestly asking where the integrity is in a presidential race? You know that the easter bunny doesn't exist, right. Not trying to insult you. It's just that you often seem cynical enough so that i find it hard to believe that you don't understand that politics have little to do with integrity and honesty. Especially presidential politics. In short, why ask a question when you already know the answer? As for thread contribution, i'm still trying to figure out if it is possible to contribute to a thread whose sole purpose is to partisanly point out one guy's inconsistencies while seemingly ignoring the other guy's.
Here goes anyway: Why isn't kerry denouncing this? Well, i guess he's probably getting to the point where gaining political capital is more important than clinging to integrity in a race where integrity is a liability. Since the american people understand talking points far more easily than they understand the complexity of any political issue that's probably a worthwhile way to go. In short, he probably thinks he has something to gain by doing what he is doing. Bush has been doing it for a while now with little complaint from many of the antikerry folks who posted above me.