People have gotten sick.
What was changed, cause I guess you missed it, was that the EPA had no idea what the air quality was like at Ground Zero, but the Admin cut that out and put in that it was safe anyway. That's called LYING. Because they did not know.
It was later confirmed that asbestos was 3 times higher in the area. Asbestos related health problems don't materialize overnight. They take years. Let me stick you in a room with 3x legal limits of asbestos for a week and see how you like it.
The govt deliberately lied to people and that lie, which kept people from using the proper respiratory precautions, I can say with certainty has doomed many people to an early death.
All the Admin had to do was allow the EPA to do it's god damned job. To tell the people living in the area and the people who were cleaning up the site that the air is potentially hazardous and you should stay away if possible and use every precaution to protect your health if you must be in the area. They wouldn't do that.
Are you that callous and in love with this Administration you can't see what is right in front of you?