Perhaps they got the quote from Kitty Kelly.
The only thing more amazing then blind hatred of Bush, is the faith any Bush hater has for all statements which make them feel good for hating Bush.
Now lets think about this. Since Colin Powel is one of the few Bush admin people Bush haters don't hate outright as Satan himself (and the reason for it is pretty black and white) and you all seem to think that somehow he does not support Bush but is only trying to salvage what he can for the country, you respect him. Now this secretary of state, a professional man, a man who seems to be in good control of himself and his language, would say to a representative of a foreign government, one we are about to go to war with as an ally, that members of his own administration were 'fucking crazies'.
On top of it, the man who writes about this is 'absolutely delighted' with it.
Yes this is a typical story for the Guardian.