Originally Posted by Mr Mephisto
Overseas we often hear about how destructive these huricanes are to the local population in Florida (and other parts of the Carribean).
A rather depressing recurring theme is how many people lose practically everything, due to the fact that they do not have any insurance.
Is this common? I assume insurance is more expensive in hurricane areas but is it really so expensive so as to warrant people not availing of it? What kind of state aid is possible for these people? Or is it just plain "stupidity" that some just don't take our insurance (though I hate to use that term)?
Mr Mephisto
I read in an article that people in those areas have gotten used to the relatively weak hurricanes that come every 2 years or so. There haven't been very many large and/or damaging hurricanes hitting Florida for about 30 years. There's been some, but they're relatively infrequent (Andrew in 1992 only hit South Florida, although it did hit HARD). There hasn't been a 1-2 punch like Charley & Frances since the 1960's. So at least for many in Florida, the inclination is to skip the insurance, not build a house capable of withstanding Category 4 hurricane-force winds, and hope the government gives them "emergency aid" if something does happen.
Who knows, it may even be cheaper than paying outrageously high premiums for hurricane insurance?