Originally Posted by fhqwhgads
The government shot down a hijacked passenger jet and killed hundreds of people. Now, instead of blaming the crash on the hijackers (easy scapegoats in my mind) they decide that they need to come up with a cover story about what happened to this jet and the people aboard. Someone comes up with the idea to crash something into the Pentagon to explain the missing plane. So.... the government decides to fly something that is NOT a passenger jet into the Pentagon....and then brainwash people that witnessed the event into believing that they saw a passenger jet and NOT the actual object the government decided to use.
And because I choose not to believe this string of events, I am being "close minded"?
You got it, all because Bush W wanted to attack Afghanistan and spend 60 - 80 billion before he attacked Iraq to finish what his father failed to finish and spend another 100 billion or so.
It's all been one big giant ruse just to make Dick Cheney and Haliburton stockholders wealthy.