So is this about how much we hate Jared, or how much you hate him, or are you asking us to do your homework for you?
Hopefully I'm not of line when I say this:
I'm all for freedom of expression, and for creative assignments in school, but are you sure there isn't something more intellectual or challenging to write about? Are you sure you want to put all sorts of effort into writing an essay on how much you "hate" a man who has lost a lot of weight and become healthy, and an inspiration to many?
Perhaps he didn't do it all on his own, and perhaps his methods were a bit 'corporate whore'-like, and perhaps more people should realize that you can make healthier sandwiches at home for 1/10th the cost and the effort, and perhaps more people should realize that it's exercise, more than almost anything else, that helps you lose weight.
So do you hate Jared?
Or do you hate that the Subway corporation are downplaying exercise and promoting their sandwiches (bread, salad, meat, nothing new here) as some sort of magical mystical miracle? Do you hate that people can be sucked in to such an absurd concept, that eating Subway alone helps you lose weight (eating <b>healthily</b> and <b>exercising</b> regularly helps you lost weight).
Correct me if I'm wrong, and if this thread is just a humorous thread about how much celebrities drive us nuts then I'll back off, but if you're really asking about your homework, my suggestion would be to refine your topic as to why you hate him, or what you hate about what he did.