Originally Posted by whocarz
Just as a side note, fully automatic guns aren't necessarily more dangerous than semi-automatic. It is very hard to control a gun firing full auto, and it is mainly used to keep peoples heads down. Firing semi-auto is much more accurate, and you are more likely to hit your intended target. Look at the event that brought about the AWB, the bank robbery in LA where the two criminals had full auto AK47s. They wounded 9 cops and a number of civilians, but they didn't kill anyone. If they fired on semi-auto, I'd be willing to bet that they would have killed a few people atleast. Why? Because it isn't as scary, thus the police wouldn't have hid as much behind cover, taken more chances, gone out into the open more, etc.
Anyway, I could go on about this but I'll digress.
Where the difference with fully automatic weapons com e in is when some lunatic walks into a crowd of people. At close ranges fully automatic weapons deal loads and loads more damage in a certain period of time than a semi-automatic ever will be able to.