Originally Posted by irateplatypus
i'm open to your opinions, gimme some pro's and con's.
In an ideal democracy the entire population would be well-informed knowledgable voters. However, any attempt to ensure that voters are well-informed would introduce a slew problems so severe that they would undermine the democracy and lead to it's collapse. If you don't think these things have been tried in U.S. history you need to research Jim Crow laws--specifically literacy tests and poll taxes. Not exactly a positive precedent to build upon.
So we're left with the task of seeing that voting rights are available to as many people as possible and that those rights are exercised.
It's funny to me that USTWO thinks that only Democrats are supporting voter-registration campaigns despite the fact that they are distinctly, by law, unpartisan. MTV's "Rock the Vote" and "Vote or Die" ads are completely free of partisanship (an alien concept for USTWO I realize).