Originally Posted by Ustwo
Being a two party system, and the question being should everyone vote, you can't have a theoretical debate without bringing up specifics. Its not childish to point out how the two are related unless we are talking about Candy Land. Now please enough with name calling
I recommend you reread it, you had to give service but it did not have to be combat related, it just had to be hard and in the states benefit. Heinlein is one of my favorite authors, 3/4ths libertarian and 1/4 republican, about the perfect mix.
Why should I reread it? You've lost me now. Where did I say anything about combat?
The point is that is was written as a satire, showing what can happen when the state tries to control those entitled to vote. And that seems to be what you are supporting.
What if Kerry was elected and said that in future, only those who voted Democrat were entitled to vote and all Republicans had their citizenship rights revoked? Let me guess... you wouldn't support that now, would you?
Mr Mephisto