Originally Posted by djtestudo
Technically, isn't the question irateplatypus asked whether we should be doing this much to register voters who don't care enough about voting to register themselves, and whether this affects the electoral process by bringing in uninformed voters?
Hate to tell you this but there are a lot of uninformed voters that vote just by party on both sides.
Or voters that vote solely on 1 issue and could careless what the rest of the platform is.
There could be a candidate that says, "I'll never take away your guns" and the rest of his platform could be crap but he'll still get quite a few votes for him and against him just on that one issue. Same as a candidate saying, "abortion is a woman's choice and I will make sure it's legal in all 50 states" and the rest of his platform only the people who truly follow his campaign understand because he doesn't talk about them. Votes for, votes against.
Point is, the homeless have every right to vote. EVERY MAN AND WOMAN IN THIS COUNTRY HAS THE RIGHT. To say someone can't vote because they don't know the issues or are uneducated is as bad as in the old days when the South had the Grandfather clauses and the reading tests in order to vote.
BTW, a vast majority of the homeless are very intelligent people who have made wrong choices, have given up the American dream for one reason or another or have mental diseases. They don't need to be treated as stupid or uneducated, but rather just are in need of help and rehabilitation.
Of course some of you who believe that you are perfect because you live lives where you have never wanted for anything or have "no mental disorders" wouldn't understand that.
Sorry but having lived in a car for 6 months because I suffered from immense depression and couldn't get through life at the time, even though my family wanted to help me. I take this issue very personally, people do not consciously choose to be homeless and should not be treated any less of a person than anyone else, including the right to vote.