Originally Posted by essendoubleop
I went over that list at the request board before it disappeared and I tried entering one of the passwords. Here is a message I got after entering it into one of the websites...
Security Violation! "You have attempted to enter a secure area (/members/) with an stolen username/password.
Then it said something about how the situation would be examined. And then it listed my IP address and a local address. So am I fucked?
Hmm... for me, some dick on IRC told me to use this pass on sexkey( I don't know why, but when your on IRC your real bored), so next thing you know they tell me that they have my IP and MIGHT prosecute me and all that jibber jabber. Even gave a link to FBI. That was 15 minutes ago, so I turned off all my IE windows, and cleared all my temp files and offline content,lol. Well, I geuss they won, cause it scared me shitless for about 10 minutes, until I realized that this password has probably been passed around to like 5 million people, not only that but people can make IP fakers. Think they are just deterring the use of these passwords to be honest, but I'm still slightly worried, but screw it. I didn't download anything or do anything but try to login... what are they going to pin on me, intention of maybe trying to possibly do something or maybe steal something off their site?