What you have to believe in order to be a Democrat.
(1) That the late Jerry Killian, Bush's commanding officer, typed the documents--though his wife says "he wasn't a typist."
(2) That Killian kept the documents in his personal files--though his family says he didn't keep files.
(3) That the disputed documents reflect his true (negative) feelings about Bush and a contemporaneous official document he wrote lauding Bush did not.
(4) That he typed the documents on a technically advanced typewriter, an IBM Selectric Composer--though that model has been tested and failed to produce an exact copy of the documents.
(5) That this advanced typewriter, which would have cost $15,000 or so in today's dollars, was used by the Texas National Guard and that Killian had gained the significant expertise needed to operate it.
(6) That Killian was under pressure to whitewash Bush's record from a general who had retired 18 months earlier.
(7) That Killian's superior, Maj. Gen. Bobby Hodges, was right when, sight unseen, he supposedly said the documents were authentic, but wrong when, having actually viewed the documents, he declared them fraudulent.
Now if you can't accept all that, there's another side. To believe the documents are forgeries, you have to believe this:
(1) The documents were typed recently using Microsoft Word, which produces documents that are
exact copies of the CBS documents.
(2) There's no number 2. All you have to believe is number 1.
A quick look at what experts could not make the IBM Selectric or the laughable $18,000 IBM Composer in the hands og National Guard do.Amazingling Microsoft Word gets the font,superscript,spacing everything done pat.