Originally Posted by eyejae
Just something from the newbie of the hour:
I have never seen a chiropractor who really was legit. As was mentioned above, they do enough to get you to come back.
In high school, I injured my back playing football (yes I am a girl, and yes I said played football in high school). I went to an osteopath. I would highly recommend an osteopath rather than a chriopracter.
"Osteopaths" are real doctors. They have "D.O." after their name instead of "M.D." Their school of thought branched off from "regular" medicine about the time chiropracty did, but they still study real medicine, not quackery in medical schools. Nowadays, D.O.'s are pretty much just like MD's. You'll find them in hospitals and emergency rooms with the same privileges (and same salaries). Pretty much, DO schools are just a place for aspiring doctors who might not have scored as well as the students in traditional med schools. they still have to take the same boards to become a doctor and pass. A D.O. who works hard in med school can get into almost all of the same residency programs as MD's and a stands a better chance of getting into a prestigious residency program than an MD student who did not do as well in school. If any med school students or doctors are reading this, please back me up.
None of this is the case with Doctors of Chiropracty. I'm not trying to bash any chiropractors or sons or daughters of chiropractors, but real doctors largely have a very low opinion of chiropractors, and there are good reasons behind this.