Originally Posted by smooth
But as a fellow grad student in the sciences, I suspect that you have or had an urge just to study things and add to the human knowledge pool. I guess don't tell me if that initial fire has been extinguished 
I wouldn't say that that initial fire has been extinguished, I just am not sure if it is enough anymore. After almost 5-1/2 years of grad school (with another 8-10 months to go) I am getting pretty burned out on research. I still love science and all the things that science can accomplish, but the actual day-to-day tediousness of it is getting pretty old.
I am considering going to law school myself in order to practice intellectual property law for a biotech company, but that probably will not be in the near future as the wife really wants to start having kids and we can't really afford another 3 years of school (either monetarily or psychologically). One day though , I think that is what I would really like to do.