09-13-2004, 07:42 AM
#6 (permalink)
"Officer, I was in fear for my life"
My email to CNN regarding this article:
Wrong information and editorial slant.
You state, "While manufacturers look for a boom in business as people buy up previously banned weapons like AK-47s, Uzis and TEC-9s, police chiefs warn of an upsurge in crime."
However these items could still be purchased under the ban, they could just not be mahufactured.
You also state, "Just over a year after the San Francisco shootings, President Bill Clinton signed Feinstein's bill into law. It banned the sale of 19 specific semiautomatic weapons and ammunition clips of 10 rounds or more."
This is alos incorrect. The production of these items was banned, not the sale. Also, it should be ammunition magazines and not ammunition clips. Magazines go into guns, clips hold bullets and load magazines.
The article is slanted and leads people to believe the streets will be over-run with cirminals with Uzi's and AK-47's. Most people associate these with what they see in the movies and fear the worst. They also don't realize that these items could still have been purchased under the ban and fully automatic versions could have been purchased under the National Firearms Act of 1934 for civilian ownership.
Stop trying to scare the American people into thinking that by the end of the week these guns are going to be ruling the streets. Most people un the US are law abiding people and still have to go through a NICS check to purchase a firearm. The criminals that want these guns probably already have them.