You have obviously thought the financial part through. You know the actual numbers better than anyone else, so use them. I didn't see any glaring omissions. One thing that was mentioned was health insurance costs. You probably don't have any now as you are probably covered by your parents' plans, at least partially. At your ages it doesn't make sense to spend a huge amount on health insurance but you need to budget for ordinary health care. Office visit, dentist, ER (it happens), gyno, etc. I agree with the others, $1,000 for 'other' is low. That really is 'everything else'.
Overall, I think your numbers are about right. Which leads us to - how are you going to make up the $1,000./mo. deficit? You can't, or certainly don't want to finance it.
I wouldn't count on a business deal coming through. You can get many stories on this board alone about how that didn't happen like it was supposed to. BTDT.
Obviously, the answer is to make more money. It is hard when you are in school. That is why it is so tough to get married and go out on your own when you are in school. Something has to give and it is usually school.
I think everyone so far has tried to give you their honest opinions. Take them for what they are worth. They are offering you what you asked for and what you do not have - the value of experience.
Good Luck to you both. Anything worth having is worth working hard for.
I am just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe...
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." - Thoreau
"Nothing great was ever accomplished without enthusiasm" - Emerson