Originally Posted by powerclown
I disagree that it all boils down to israel. And I won't even call you anti-semitic if you disagree with me 
I'll say it again:
*cut and pasted from above thread*
I would argue that Israel is the perfect excuse necessary for every dictatorship in the m.e. to 1) foment hate, and thereby remaining popular with their people to stay in power and retain their domes, 2) keep their societies barbaric, broken and dysfuntional. (except for bahrain, which hosts a formula one race now )
I'm unclear on what you mean about Israel being the perfect excuse. As for the rest; I guess it boils down to ones own personal definitions of what things are. What are you rating as being barbaric? Not trying to be a smart ass; but you must be in a truly good place to cast judgment such as that. Let me be clear; blowing up buses with innocent people is barbaric; but so is politically correct genocide. There are many cases in the past and many to come where technology failed to raise the standards of humanity. Broken and dysfunctional is pretty straight forward- it may be a little difficult to be otherwise when there is closure of educational institutions, destruction of civil infrastructures, and other key elements to a cultures survival.
The only thing the dictators in the m.e. hate more than israel is each other, which explains the continued existence of 5 million israels against 200 million arabs surrounding them on all sides. I see israel as god's micro-experiment where he is testing the resilience of a tiny, civilized, intelligent society pitted against the barbarian hordes. Im a big fan of the underdog, and a big fan of israel.
Im curious; do you have the view that people from. . .say Norway are not Norwegian, people from Denmark are not Danish, people from Russia are not Russian – they are Caucasian? This is referencing your “surrounding 200 million” statement. Without agreeing or disagreeing; the remainder of what you state here stands alone and speaks a lot for itself. Admiration for the underdog is sometimes a trait I follow as well, it depends. In this case I compelled to think when a indigenous culture (including many of it’s children) are throwing rocks at an opposing forces tanks leads me to believe the opposite.
I just read today that the emir of kuwait is staying in the same hospital as clinton, and for the same reason. Everyone over there loves to hate the corrupt, infidel US, but whenever they're in need of the state of the art, they hop on the fastest plane bound for america.
I'm an American that served honorably in the military, pays taxes, and contributes to my local community when I can- I think a large portion of my governement is corrupt- this view states nothingabout how I feel about the people or the spirit we carry.