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Old 09-13-2004, 12:08 AM   #35 (permalink)
Location: Right here
Originally Posted by skyscan
Ok, lets get to some real examples shall we. (I'm basing what's banned or not on Mr. SelfDestruct's post.)

Ok, here is a picture of a "banned" AK-47 type rifle.

Now, this gun has a fold able stock and a pistol type handle which is what makes it fall under the banned category. This picture has it equipped with a large clip but lets assume that it has a ten bullet clip (clip types are easy to change on both banned rifles and not banned rifles.)

Next, a picture of a fully legal russian made SKS.

This gun has only one of the modifications that apply to the ban. The gun is using the typical ten bullet clip.

Similarities include:
Made for military purposes
able to attach bay-o-net
changeable clip sizes

Differences include:
The AKish rifle uses .233 ammo
The SKS uses 7.62x39 ammo (larger)
The AKish rifle "looks scary."
SKS costs $325.
AKish rifle costs $2,795.

I own a SKS. It's fun for both target practice and hunting because it has a ten bullet clip and it has less recoil than 30-06. The problem with the SKS is that it has very little accuracy, the trigger requires to much pressure to fire, and has the potential to fire when it's being loaded.

What's the temptation to own the AKish gun? It will provide safer loading, easier storage, and greater accuracy (less chance I will ruin a weekend when I fire and miss a deer).

Why do we make things normal people have a reasonable use for illegal?

Would you mind posting a picture of the top rifle folded up?

For the best dramatic punch and most realistic use value, I would like to see it in shooter A's hands folded up walking into a store versus shooter B holding a long rifle up to his shoulder or hip.

I'd like to see a comparison between both guns laying on the back seat of a '65 Impala, and I'd like to see them under a coat on that back seat.

I'd be very curious if you can find a picture of either one hanging out the back of a Ford Mark IV and which one would be easiest to handle in that situation. Let's assume for the sake of the scenario that I don't care about accuracy, just straigh spray and pray with a few 50 round clips laying next to me. If you saw me hanging out the side of one of those cars or walking into a shop:

Which one would you think I'd be holding and which one would you rather be up against?

Which one do you think the police want to deal with?

Now, I may agree with some of your points in regard to the notion of an armed populace, but don't give me bullshit about the whole thing a farce based on looks and not function.

Let's also point out that the fact manufacturers figured out how to get really close to that legal line without crossing doesn't impugn the bill.

If my mom told me not to poke my sister in the eye anymore and I stick my finger right up to her eyelash--I'd get fucking backhanded. My mom's rule wasn't the stupid thing, my finger pushing that envelope was what needed fixing.
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