Originally Posted by CSflim
In my opinion "the clone" would most definately be conscious, further-more, differentiating between "the clone" and "the original" would be completely meaningless. Any assignment of the terms would be completely arbitrary.
Whoops. (slaps forehead) Forgot to mention how the Mark III was modified. Call it the Mark IV, if you will. It isn't really applicable to the poll at the beginning of this post anymore, but for my discussion it will serve, I think.
The raw materials are brought in, the "snapshot" is made, the materials are assembled, but the original is not destroyed. Rather, the clone is set to walk free, while the original is sent on its merry way as well. In this case, there is a meaningful distinction.
But I think this somewhat irrelevant, since the question could still be posed by one of the copies to the other, as long as there was a trusting observer present.