when you talk of any major global conflict breaking out among the so called superpowers, the overwhelming odds are that one of these wackos, ours or theirs, is going to pull out the ace in his hand. right now, the US military is spread so thin that any new action will necessitate invoking the draft. as has been shown pretty recently, the entire arsenal sans our nukes and pretty much all our troops has not quite cut it. unconventional weapons come into play when manpower aint available. add the bushies proposed bunker buster mini nukes to the equation.
going up against iran or nkorea will not be quite as simple as iraq. and iraq is far from simple. spreading the conflict will greatly increase the possibility of unconventional weapons coming into play. these guys truly have the bad toys and if threatened....
germany and japan were both aggressors. they were making a last stand after getting the beat down. no-one INVADED their country. different thing.
actually not that baffling at all.