Phi Delta Theta, Georgia Gamma Chapter (Mercer University) and damn proud of it, though I wouldn't call it my life's greatest achievement. I succeeded a becoming a "Phi Delt" because a group of guys decided to drop a particular color of marble into a jar one night ... it had little to do with my "success" as a pledge. A few of them decided to like me, and then there I was.
I'm proud because in my term as an active, we did a TON of community service (and not because we had to). Then again, my chapter was a statistical outlier in the field of fraternities -- we received national recognition from not only our General Headquarters, but from a number of outside organiziations.
For example: We wrote letters to soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq, organized a sun glasses drive for those same soldiers, cleaned numerous inner city parks and streets, volunteered hundreds of total manhours to a community theatre, ran canned food drives for a local food bank, cooked for soup kitchens and ran events for our campus recreation dept. We did this because we could and nobody else was stepping up to the plate.
Things are still, basically, being run the same way at Georgia Gamma... it makes me happy to know that the fire that my generation built in terms of serving the community is being maintained by young men that never saw the original spark. They do it because they think its right, and they are able.
Last edited by tritium; 09-12-2004 at 10:17 PM..