Originally Posted by Mr Mephisto
Well Opie, I think you're being a little unfair.
I don't think so.
I was generalizing, as noted by my use of the word generalizing. I'm sure there are intelligent conservatives - misguidedly intelligent, but intelligent none-the-less.
The generalized American watches American Idol, reads USA Today (if they read any newspaper), eats at McDonalds on occasion, shops at Safeway/Albertsons/ACME, went to public school - and votes for the candidate that provides sound bites of quick and dirty assurance. That is the average Joe.
When Kerry says that he voted for the war spending and then voted against it - the people that believe he "flip flopped" are doing so because of one of two things:
1- They don't understand that he felt it was to be used as pressure against Saddam and not an immediate and automatic declaration of war. This is the average Joe.
2- They do understand what it meant, but if they claim it is flip-flopping, it helps to paint Kerry as "unfit" for command to the average Joes. This is the intelligent conservative.