DNA databases
On 60 minutes tonight there was a story about DNA being used to solve crimes. They say that the odds of DNA matching someone other then the source is 1 in 6 billion (basically a statistical impossibility).
The story got me thinking about this. Police already keep a network of fingerprints. If you get arrested your fingerprints go into a database and all police everywhere now know your fingerprint. The question I have is do you think we should do the same thing with DNA? If you get arrested when they take your fingerprints they also take your DNA. Or maybe even take it at birth. Do you think this would be to invasive?
Personally I think this would not be to invasive and would help not only deture crime but get criminals off the street. The key is the police need to keep the DNA absolutly private. Companies should not have access to them (we don't want DNA descrimination to occur). Also it would be very bad if cloning scientists started getting hold of peoples DNA.
What do you think?
(ps. Hey look this post isn't about bush or kerry!!!!!! let's keep it that way)