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Old 09-12-2004, 02:27 PM   #31 (permalink)
Gentlemen Farmer
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Location: Middle of nowhere, Jersey
Originally Posted by Dwayne
So by that logic Nuclear weapons are ok to own. Assault weapons need a ban because they to easily facilitate killing of more than one person at a time.
You are correct. According to the 2nd ammendment of the Consitution Nuclear Weapons ARE OK TO OWN. Without question, as far as I'm concerned.

That is why I keep saying we NEED TO CHANGE THE CONSTITUTION. Not continue to violate it.

It is currently unconstitutional to infringe upon the right of the people to keep and bear arms. Period. End of discussion. This is unquestionably ludicrous, imho. Yet remaims a reality. Arms needs to be clarified and limitations placed on their bearability.

The limitations should not be at 'machine gun,' 'rocket launcher,' or 'assault weapon.' That limitation of 'Arms' should be whatever your government is able to posess and use...the citizens MUST also be able to posess and use. If a government doesn't want it's citizens to posess a certain designation of 'ARMS' then they also must be forbiden from posessing it. This to me is the essense of the second ammendment, and essentially the 'fourth' check on the power of your government. An oft unrecognized 'check' available to the citizenry or perhaps even 'well regulated militia' to ensure the fox doesn't run the hen house.

All for a change of the constitution,

It's alot easier to ask for forgiveness then it is to ask for permission.
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