call me crazy... but the thought of living forever or even for a few hundred years might not be practical. Dont get me wrong.. .would LOVE to live forever, The first example that came to mind was our brains over time with all the crap (eg wars, violence, loss, mental problems, etc) has to cope with slowly changes the chemistry in our brains and we become more twisted, neurotic, paranoid, anxious. Im personally speaking from someone who has nervous, anxious, depressed disorder.
Our bodies have built in code to be programmed to deteriorate over time.. oh unless we can change a few genetic detials. On a few documentaries i remember vaguely them talking about how our bodies are preprogrammed so if we can stop this.. maybe we will live forever.?
What is most annoying about life though is the thought of anyone of us can die at any time from an accident, or by violence... or cancer... or something else... So all these years so far of hard work towards my own goals as an artist, has gone,... what if i dont reach that peak or goal because of some terrorist killing me.. or some desease... or a random heart attack.. and in turn.. its not like next life i can just hope back down here... and carry on or remember what i was doing...
On a lighter note... would be nice to live for oneday in Kylie Monogues body... heheh
I would givemyself a nice body rub all day.. .eat lots of chocolate.. and head to some huge party gang bang. LOL... (Kylie if you reading this... my appologies) :P