I'll try to make this productive instead of dumbfounded. I should know better by now around here.
One of those, "You'll never forget where you were that day" events for me. A unique event in history that came out of nowhere.
What I remember most vividly about 9/11/01:
-My parents were in Manhattan that day, on vacation with friends. My dad called me and said to turn on the tv. He said the city was shut down, all roads/tunnels closed, streets empty. He was calling from within the hotel via his cellphone, saying the hotel was closed and everyone was in the bar getting sloshed, watching the tv.
-The global outpouring of sympathy & condolence. The silent, panning images on tv of the worlds' capitals, with their flags at half-staff, their church bells tolling, their people gathering in crowds holding candlelight vigils. The civilized world's leaders united in their expression of shock, disbelief and outrage. The Giant Headline in the newspapers. Magazine covers devoid of text, simply a picture. Sporting events cancelled.
-The manner in which Bush addressed the country the following 3-4 months. Articulate, honest, resolute. Strong and from the heart. Particularly the speech he gave standing atop a pile of rubble at ground zero, bullhorn in hand, arm around a fireman.
-How the cockroaches ran screaming for the shadows, pausing abruptly from their evil work - shaken themselves by the magnitude - and pleading their innocence. They understood fully the nature of the giant they awoke.
-People in certain foreign countries dancing in the streets.
Last edited by powerclown; 09-11-2004 at 09:25 PM..
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