Originally Posted by OpieCunningham
You bring up the election committee complaint again. Bush complained to the election committee back in Jan/Feb over one of the MoveOn ads. Not only do you not claim that is a sign of Bush's weakness - but you either didn't even know about it (again I submit, because the GOP can yell louder) or you intentionally ignore it.
When has Kerry "cried to the people and asked for help"? How has he shown any signs of "cracking or breaking"?
Clinton was impeached.
If Kerry didn't react to the ads, he would have been labeled weak and guilty. If he does react to the ads, he is labeled weak, and a liar. As I said, I see no way he could come out on top in the face of GOP smear tactics. Is that a reason to blame Kerry? No. It is a reason to blame the GOP for subverting democracy by mocking it with smears instead of dealing with the issues.
Bush's people did complain yes. But HE has not reacted to any smear personally. Have you heard him complain about people wanting his records?
Clinton was not "impeached", impeached at least from what I was taught means thrown out of office. clinton came up a few votes short of being impeached. Maybe I'm wrong in that belief.
Yes, I do believe, and have posted many times that the GOP could not win on issues that the smear is the only way to win. BUT poll after poll has shown smear doesn't affect that many votes. BUT Kerry is losing votes.... so why would that be? It is because he shows weakness by letting the smear get to him.
It's not worth arguing about, Opie. We both want Bush out. We both are voting for Kerry. i'm just offering up an opinion that I feel would help. I believe if Kerry just hammered out issues and his policies and ignored the smear or gave 1 comment and moved on (instead he keeps changing his story which adds more credibility to the smear) he would stand a far better chance of winning.
Kerry just isn't handling the smear well. Clinton did, Gore did.... Kerry isn't.