Really voters want to hear, what happened 35 years ago is not an issue now. Oooops, John Kerry's reporting for duty and ran his campaign as a Vietnam Veteran because he can't run on his record in the Senate. In my mind, unless Iraq or the economy crash Kerry isn't going to be much of a challenge come November. He was the wrong candidate in this, or any presidential election.
Also the expectations of the smear are also important. Everyone already knew about Clinton, he was a womanizer as Governor too. Everyone knew about Arnolds past. Everyone knows Bush was misguided until he was 40 and born again. We don't have high expectations in these time frames/situations. However, Kerry we first learned was a Vietnam War Hero, but maybe not. So we're surprised by that and it scared some.
Just my take anyways on why this smear was effective. Also, Kerry's responses were poor. He attacked Bush who really didn't play a role, and it's not like he ever condemned or the hollywood looney's he made a speech for, so to expect Bush to condemn Swift Boat Veterans doesn't seem like an even deal to me.